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I'm Kodak Miao, currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree at Shenzhen University. My academic journey has been enriched with a diverse range of extracurricular engagements, including my early days as a Guitar Club member, transitioning to more tech-oriented roles in the Information Security Association, and later in the Electronics Association. My passion for technology and innovation has led me to become an active member of the NAGO Dev team at my university, where we explore cutting-edge developments in the field.
My interest lies deeply in Computer Graphics, a field where creativity meets technology. This passion has driven me to focus on developing proprietary engines, aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible in digital visual experiences.
In addition to my academic and extracurricular pursuits, I've had the opportunity to intern at Alibaba's Lingxi Interactive Entertainment, an experience that not only honed my technical skills but also provided valuable insights into the industry's dynamics and workflow.
Feel free to reach out to me at inverseboom@gmail.com for collaborations, discussions, or if you're just curious about my work in computer graphics!
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